Produkty dla transportu i (401)

Łożysko kulkowe z blachy stalowej z kołnierzem - kulki nośne

Łożysko kulkowe z blachy stalowej z kołnierzem - kulki nośne

Struttura Questa unità di trasferimento sferico Schulz è composta da tre parti stampate: alloggiamento, guscio e coperchio del cuscinetto, una sfera di carico e diverse sfere di supporto. Dimensionamento Il passo è determinato dividendo la lunghezza del bordo più corto del materiale trasportato per 3,5. Materiali Corpo, coperchio: acciaio zincato, acciaio inossidabile Presa a sfera: acciaio temprato, acciaio inossidabile temprato Palle di supporto: Acciaio per utensili (temprato), acciaio inossidabile (temprato) Sfera di supporto: acciaio per utensili (temprato), acciaio inossidabile (temprato), plastica Condizioni operative Campo di temperatura da -30°C a +100°C (fino a +30°C con sfera di supporto in plastica) velocità di trasporto fino a 1,5 m/s. Capacità di carico dinamico fino a max. 300 kg.
Multi Gantry - Wiele systemów kartezjańskich X/Y/Z z paskiem, zębatką i pinionem, śrubą i hybrydową ręką

Multi Gantry - Wiele systemów kartezjańskich X/Y/Z z paskiem, zębatką i pinionem, śrubą i hybrydową ręką

Multiple X/Y/Z Cartesian systems with belt, rack and pinion, screw, and hybrid handling. Utilizing the modularity offered by the full range of our linear actuators (Actuator Line), highly customizable Cartesian systems are available to meet the specific needs of our customers. LOAD CAPACITY ACCORDING TO DYNAMICS Reported data must be verified according to the application. Please get in touch with our technical department for more information.
Punkt zatrzymania ENORM 10 płaski

Punkt zatrzymania ENORM 10 płaski

Anschlagpunkt ENORM 10 flat point ENORM flach und ENORM gut in den Tragfähigkeiten von 0,5 - 15 t. >flat point< in den Tragfähigkeiten von 0,5 - 15 t. Seine Vorteile sind: - Vierfache Sicherheit gegen Bruch in allen Belastungsrichtungen - Sehr flache Bauform - 360° drehbar - 110° zulässiger Arbeitsbereich des Aufnahmegliedes - Glied selbstständig arretierend Bezeichnung: FP 0,5 JDT Schraube: M 10x40 Tragfähigkeit: 0,5 t b: 50 mm Ø d: 13 mm f: 100 mm g: 12 mm l: 52 mm Gewicht: 0,71 kg Artikelnummer: 0381100000
Chwytak do beczek typu 3P - Bezpieczny sposób obsługi beczek

Chwytak do beczek typu 3P - Bezpieczny sposób obsługi beczek

-3-point clamping system -automatic eccentric lock -ideal for charging over or salvage drums -adjustable positioning feature material:steel
Łańcuchy Transportowe i Napędowe, KET-XX B-1-L5000 - Spersonalizowane Łańcuchy Transportowe i Napędowe, dopasowane do Twoich rolek transportowych

Łańcuchy Transportowe i Napędowe, KET-XX B-1-L5000 - Spersonalizowane Łańcuchy Transportowe i Napędowe, dopasowane do Twoich rolek transportowych

Wir bieten Ihnen passend zu Ihren Transportrollen genau die richtigen Förder- und Antriebsketten. Jede Kette ist in Material und Ausführung maßgeschneidert. Sie profitieren dadurch von niedrigen Wartungskosten und sorgen für Dauerhafte Stabilität und Sicherheit Ihres Warentransportsystems. Die Ketten sind als Meterware oder montagefertig abgelenkt und geschlossen erhältlich. Bei TRAPOROL erhalten Sie passend zu Ihren Transportrollen auf Wunsch genau die richtigen Förder- und Antriebsketten. Dabei sorgen wir dafür, dass jede Kette in Material und Ausführung exakt für Ihren Einsatzzweck maßgeschneidert ist. Dadurch senken Sie deutlich die Wartungskosten und erhalten dauerhaft die Leistungsfähigkeit Ihres Transportsystems. Ob in Meterware oder montagefertig abgelängt und geschlossen: Alle lieferbaren Ketten sind nach DIN ISO 606 (ex DIN ISO 8187) gefertigt und genügen selbst höchsten Ansprüchen.
Transporter części klasyczna seria - Transfer i usuwanie części oraz odpadów

Transporter części klasyczna seria - Transfer i usuwanie części oraz odpadów

tried and trusted a thousand times in practice the low price permits the economic use in individual shift operation and with rarely used tools can be directly mounted to each tool, no setup costs
Kołnierz Plastikowy CC1 - Kołnierz do Palet, Bezpieczny i Prosty Mechanizm Zamykania

Kołnierz Plastikowy CC1 - Kołnierz do Palet, Bezpieczny i Prosty Mechanizm Zamykania

El collar plástico CC1 impresiona por su fácil manejo plegable para la industria y la logística moderna. Se puede utilizar individualmente y es compatible con palets de plástico y madera. Además, los bordes de bloqueo garantizan que otro palet se pueda apilar de forma segura. Las diferentes posibilidades de uso permiten un paletizado flexible y sin complicaciones. Características: Mecanismo de cierre seguro y sencilla Asas integradas Campo de etiquetado Soporte de transpondedor Enclavamiento Reducción del 75% del volumen cuando se pliega Mayor uso del espacio del vehículo (apilamiento doble o triple) Opcional: Variantes de rebordes Transpondedor RFID PEAD:Polietileno de alta densidad
Active Lock - Kontener (RPC Active Lock)

Active Lock - Kontener (RPC Active Lock)

Das neue und verbesserte Design unserer RPC-Steigen mit „Active Lock" sorgt für eine schnelle, einfache und sichere Handhabung.
Koła Ciężkie CASCOO Seria BAU5

Koła Ciężkie CASCOO Seria BAU5

Schwere Lasten? Kein Problem mit unseren Schwerlastrollen der Serie BAU5. Mit einer Tragfähigkeit von bis zu 800kg bewegen unsere Rollen Ihre Ware an den Bestimmungsort, sicher und schnell. Die Schwerlastrollen unserer Serie BAU5 sind mit einem Doppelprezisionskugellager (6204) ausgestattet. Durch unsere Auswahl an verschiedenen Gehäusen können wir eine maximale Traglast von 800 kg (pro Rolle) erreichen. Die Radfelge besteht aus Aluminium mit einer Polyurethan-Lauffläche, diese hat eine Härte von 93-95° Shore. Raddurchmesser: 125-200 mm Temperaturbereich: -20°C bis +60°C Traglast: 400-800 kg
Galwanizowany wózek transportowy do stołów ø 150 cm

Galwanizowany wózek transportowy do stołów ø 150 cm

Passend für 12 Tische. Aussenmaße LxBxH 155 x 80 x 175 cm, stabile Rollen, ø 125 mm, leicht rollbar, mit weicher Rolloberfläche 2 Rollen fest, 2 Rollen Lenk und Feststellbar Nicht für M Serie
Wózek transportowy do pudełek w standardzie Euro 600 x 400 mm

Wózek transportowy do pudełek w standardzie Euro 600 x 400 mm

Transportroller aus Kunststoff für Kästen 600 x 400 mm, blau, rot, grau, schwarz, mit 4 Lenkrollen ø 100 TPE, Tragfähigkeit 300 Kg,
Stapelowy regał o dużej nośności - Regał o dużej nośności do 6 ton

Stapelowy regał o dużej nośności - Regał o dużej nośności do 6 ton

Sonderladungsträger für schwere Lasten bis 6 Tonnen. Das Gestell ist aus kräftigen Profilen zusammengeschweißt und mit Glattblech ausgelegt. Es kann mit einem Schwerlastgabelstapler oder mit dem Kran bewegt werden.
Nieskończony pas z podwójną osłoną - nieskończony pas wykonany z wytrzymałego materiału - zgodnie z DIN 60005

Nieskończony pas z podwójną osłoną - nieskończony pas wykonany z wytrzymałego materiału - zgodnie z DIN 60005

safety factor: 7:1, material 100 % polyester, easy to handle, light-weight and insensitive to heat, cold and moisture; temperature range: -40°C to +100°C. For safe lifting of loads
Tory rolkowe - Tory rolkowe do transportu lekkich towarów

Tory rolkowe - Tory rolkowe do transportu lekkich towarów

Unsere vielseitigen Röllchenleisten sind mit Ihrem schlanken Design und geringen Abmessungen die ideale Lösung für leichte Fördergüter wie zum Beispiel Kartonagen, leichte Kommisionier- oder Lagerbehälter. Normal/Mini:Teilung: 16-100 mm, Traglast: 6 kg Autofix/Superfix:Teilung: 33-100 mm, Traglast: 6-12 kg Röllchenleiste XL:Teilung: 33-83 mm, Traglast: 15 kg Röllchenmaterial:Kunststoff (Polypropylen) Profilmaterial:Stahlblech, Edelstahl
Pojemnik Stakowany 600 x 800 mm

Pojemnik Stakowany 600 x 800 mm

Die Stapelbehälter finden in nahezu jedem Betrieb ihre Verwendung. Sei es zur Lagerung von Kleinteilen oder als Kommissionierhilfe im Versand. Sogar die Verwendung im Lebensmittelbereich oder der Pharmazie ist durch den Einsatz von Neukunststoff problemlos möglich. Alle Kästen sind miteinander kombinierbar und sowohl mit Auflagedeckel, als auch mit Scharnierdeckel erhältlich. Durch den Kufenunterbau ist der Behälter mit Hubwagen oder Stapler direkt unterfahrbar. Vakuumtiefziehteil Außenabmessung: 600 x 800 x 420 mm Innenabmessung: 562 x 762 x 301 mm Volumen: 127 Liter Farbe: blau Material: Polypropylen Inhaltsbelastung: 200 kg Auflast: 800 kg Größe: 600 x 800 x 420 mm Außenabmessung:: 600 x 800 x 420 mm Innenabmessung:: 562 x 762 x 301 mm Volumen:: 127 Liter Inhaltsbelastung:: 200 kg Auflast:: 800 kg
Hotec Wózek na Skrzynie Prosty

Hotec Wózek na Skrzynie Prosty

Minimalistisch, günstig in der Anschaffung und leicht im Handling, so lässt sich der neue HOTEC® Transportroller simply am besten beschreiben. Durch seinen stabilen Rahmen konnten wir auf die mittleren Streben verzichten, dadurch ist der Kistenroller noch leichter zu reinigen. Sie können den Kistenroller in RAL 3000 - rot oder in RAL 5010 - blau beziehen. Der Kistenroller hat eine Traglast von max. 250 kg und wird mit 4 Lenkrollen ausgeliefert. Für alle Hotec Kistenroller gilt: • Made in Germany – seit über 15 Jahren • Hochwertige Verarbeitung und lange Lebensdauer • Alle eingesetzten Rohstoffe sind absolut unbedenklich und können in der Lebensmittelindustrie eingesetzt werden. Eine Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung stellen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. • Auf Wunsch können wir gerne Ihr Logo und Ihre Wunschfarbe umsetzten
Prasa transferowa - Wszechstronny system transferowy do obsługi blach metalowych, zaprojektowany jako główny element

Prasa transferowa - Wszechstronny system transferowy do obsługi blach metalowych, zaprojektowany jako główny element

Versatile transfer system for metal sheet handling, designed as the main element in a series of presses which eventually combine with load/unload systems. The system features high positioning precision with heavy duty cycles and high dynamics, and is also available for very extended lengths. It manages cantilever loads to keep one side of the series free for operations. The system is driven by a belt with Ω transmission. The Z axes can be placed at different distances, according to the loads. LOAD CAPACITY ACCORDING TO DYNAMICS Reported data must be verified according to the application. Please get in touch with our technical department for more information.
System precyzyjny - Jednostki liniowe napędzane śrubą o wysokiej precyzji

System precyzyjny - Jednostki liniowe napędzane śrubą o wysokiej precyzji

The PRECISION SYSTEM series of linear units are self-sustaining profile systems made of extruded aluminum and steel for the TK series, able to ensure excellent precision. The motion is achieved by means of precision rolled recirculating ball screws with preloaded or non preloaded ball nuts, depending on the models. Using the recirculating ball bearing technology for the screws and the rails ensures great performance to the linear actuators, such as: High precision and high axial forces High mechanical performance Low wear and tear Low resistance to movement High speed (for long pitch screws) The Precision System series consists of 4 distinct products with different features: TH, TT, TV, TK. PRECISION SYSTEM - TH TH linear actuators are rigid and compact, ball screw driven linear units, enabling high positioning accuracy and repeatability in all process phases with optimal performance assured, with a repeatability within 5 µm. Thrust force transmission is achieved by means of... TT 100-155-225-310:TT 100-155-225-310 TV 60-80-110-140:TV 60-80-110-140 TVS 170-220:TVS 170-220 TH 70-90-145-110:TH 70-90-145-110 Max. running speed:2,5m/s
Tecline - Osie liniowe z przekładnią zębatą i zębatką

Tecline - Osie liniowe z przekładnią zębatą i zębatką

1, 2 and 3 Cartesian axis linear modules with rack and pinion drive guarantee precise manipulation of loads from 10 up to 2000 kg with fast and silent functioning. Our main application fields are: robotics, palletization, production line, logistics and manufacturing machines with Cartesian axis movements. Our products stand out for their: easy and quick assembly; high quality and competitive performances; reduced and simplified maintenance; wide range of integrated solutions; possibility of customised solutions; constant technical support and CAD drawings available. Strong points include: hardened sloping tooth racks (ground on request); payloads from 10 to 2000 Kg; up to 12-m beams (longer lengths can be obtained with jointed versions), high level torsional rigidity, precise shape; precise machining of all profiles (on request: repeatability up to +/-0.05mm); hardened and ground steel guide rails, for rollers and ball slides with cage; easy installation of pre-assembled systems... High load capacities till:4000 kg Max. speed:3,5m/s Max. acceleration:10m/s Max. repeatability:+/- 0,05mm
Easyslide - Linowe tory kulkowe z pojedynczym lub wieloma suwakami

Easyslide - Linowe tory kulkowe z pojedynczym lub wieloma suwakami

The Easyslide is a system of cold drawn steel linear rails with induction hardened raceways. The linear guides consists of an external 'C' profile linear rail and incorporated caged ball bearings. Five rail widths: 22, 28, 35, 43 and 63mm The sliders inside the linear rails ensure an exceptionally compact system System high load capacity Optimal operation even when shocks and vibrations are experienced Multiple standard lengths available depending on the linear rail section (up to 2,000mm). Special lengths are available on request The Easyslide product family includes compact size linear rails with caged ball bearings, fitted with one or more sliders per rail, to ensure high load capacity and long life. If more than one slider is used in the SN series, they can slide independently inside their own cages, or simultaneously in a single cage. The SNK series features rails with hardened and ground raceways. Variable slider strokes and lengths can be selected. All Easyslide linear... Available for the SN series linear rails:22, 28, 35, 43, 63 Available for the SNK series linear rails:43 Rail induction hardened raceways:Rail induction hardened raceways Ground raceways for the SNK series:Ground raceways for the SNK series Cold drawn steel rails and sliders:Cold drawn steel rails and sliders Hardened steel ball bearings:Hardened steel ball bearings Rail max. operating speed 1.5 m/s (for the SNK series):Rail max. operating speed 1.5 m/s (for the SNK series) Temperature range for the SN series from -20 °C to +170 °C:Temperature range for the SN series from -20 °C to +170 °C Temperature range for the SNK series from -20 °C to +70 °C:Temperature range for the SNK series from -20 °C to +70 °C Electro-galvanized in compliance with ISO 2081. Alternative corrosion protection treatments availabl:Electro-galvanized in compliance with ISO 2081. Alternative corrosion protection treatments availabl Linear precision 0.1mm/m of stroke:Linear precision 0.1mm/m of stroke
Linia Aktuatora

Linia Aktuatora

Linear actuators with different guide configurations and drives, available with belt, screw or rack and pinion drives according to different needs in terms of precision and speed. Guides with bearings or ball recirculating systems for different load capacities and critical environments.
Siłownik Teleskopowy - Montowany na Ścianie - Siłownik teleskopowy z synchronizowanym systemem zębatek dla efektywnej liniowości

Siłownik Teleskopowy - Montowany na Ścianie - Siłownik teleskopowy z synchronizowanym systemem zębatek dla efektywnej liniowości

Telescopic actuator with a synchronized toothed belt system for effective linear movement and minimal overall dimensions. The wall-mounted system feeds the machine and retracts, facilitating the feeding of machine tools where obstructions to protective doors must be avoided. LOAD CAPACITY ACCORDING TO DYNAMICS Reported data must be verified according to the application. Please get in touch with our technical department for more information. Compact and space saving thanks to 3 or 4 stages solutions: Compact and space saving thanks to 3 or 4 stages solutions Wall mounted configuration allows higher stiffness for heavy loads:Wall mounted configuration allows higher stiffness for heavy loads High dynamics thank to the multiplication of speed of each level:High dynamics thank to the multiplication of speed of each level Vertical linear axes can be mounted on the end carriage:Vertical linear axes can be mounted on the end carriage Light and stiff aluminum beams allow higher dynamics:Light and stiff aluminum beams allow higher dynamics
Hegra Rail - Teleskopowe prowadnice ze stali, aluminium i stali nierdzewnej

Hegra Rail - Teleskopowe prowadnice ze stali, aluminium i stali nierdzewnej

The Hegra Rail family includes various telescopic guide profiles with ball cage capable of handling high loads up to 20 kN per pair, overextensions up to 200% of the length of the guide in closed position and available in different materials such as steel, aluminium or stainless steel AISI 304 and AISI 316. The main features of the Hegra Rail telescopic guides: handling of heavy loads combined with minimal bending profiles with 1, 2 or 3 moving elements for extensions up to 200% available in different materials: steel, aluminium, stainless steel AISI 304 and AISI 316 high rigidity and moment of inertia with thin sections fluid noiseless operation long working life extremely reliable The Hegra Rail family of telescopic guides includes five product categories: partial and full extensions, overextensions, heavy loads and S-sections. Telescopic guides for partial extensions,Telescopic guides for full extensions,Telescopic guides for overextensions,Telescopic guides for heavy loads Sections available for the HTT guides series:30,40,50 Sections available for the HVC series guides:45,50,58,75 Sections available for the HVB series guides:26 Sections available for the H1C series guides:75 Sections available for the H1T series guides:60,80,10,150 Sections available for the H2H series guides:80 Sections available for the LTH series guides:30, 45, 30s,45s Sections available for the HGT series guides:60,80,100,120,150,200,250 Sections available for the LTF series guides:44 Sections available for the HGS series guides:60 Maximum Speed:0.8 m/s (in relation to the application) Various anti-corrosion materials and treatments are available:Various anti-corrosion materials and treatments are available Special solutions, such as blocking, snap systems and dampers, available on request:Special solutions, such as blocking, snap systems and dampers, available on request
Eco System - Wszechstronne jednostki liniowego ruchu napędzane paskiem

Eco System - Wszechstronne jednostki liniowego ruchu napędzane paskiem

The ECO SYSTEM units are linear actuators made of a self-sustaining extruded aluminum frame and are driven by a polyurethane belt with AT metric profile steel inserts. Three different sizes available: 60mm, 80mm, 100mm Version available with recirculating ball bearing or roller rails Reduced weight ensured by the light frame and the aluminum sliders High sliding speed The ECO SYSTEM series actuators are offered with two motion systems: ECO SYSTEM – SP Featuring a maintenance free recirculating linear guide rail fitted inside the profile. ECO SYSTEM – CI Featuring four rollers with a Gothic arch outer profile sliding on hardened steel bars placed inside the profile. Main fields of application for Eco System linear units: Automation Packaging Industrial machinery Available sizes for the linear actuators:ECO 60, ECO 80, ECO 100 Max. running speed:5 m/s Max. acceleration:50 m/s2 Repeat accuracy:0,1 mm Max. static load:Fx 4.410 N, Fy 43.400 N, Fz 43.400 N Max. static moment:Mx 620 Nm, My 3.820 Nm, Mz 3.820 Nm Maximum usable stroke length:6,000mm (longer strokes can be provided for jointed versions) High dynamics:V=5m/s, A=50m/s2
System Czystego Pomieszczenia - Napędy liniowe z paskiem do Czystych Pomieszczeń

System Czystego Pomieszczenia - Napędy liniowe z paskiem do Czystych Pomieszczeń

International patent registered for the CLEAN ROOM SYSTEM line (DIN EN ISO 14644-1) The CLEAN ROOM SYSTEM units are linear actuators with belt driven transmission and are specifically designed for Clean Room applications They are supplied with a certificate issued by the IPA Fraunhofer Institute in Stuttgard, which certifies compliance with class ISO 3 (DIN EN ISO 14644-1), or with class Fed Std 0.01 (FED 209 E). The system prevents particles from being discharged in the environment where the linear unit is located. This has been achieved by using a special straight seal that closes the horizontal opening where the slider moves, as well as by the operation of a 0.8 vacuum pump connected to 2 vacuum pipes located inside the drive head and the idle head. The system allows vacuum to be generated inside the unit so that any particles released when the system is operating are sucked towards the air filtration areas. Clean Room System linear actuators components are all made of... Available sizes for linear actuators:ONE 50, ONE 80, ONE 110 Product specifically designed for automation solutions in clean rooms up to class ISO1 (DIN EN ISO 1:Product specifically designed for automation solutions in clean rooms up to class ISO1 (DIN EN ISO 1 Made of low particle emission materials.:Made of low particle emission materials. Uses special lubricants for "clean rooms".:Uses special lubricants for "clean rooms". Max. speed:5 m/s Max. acceleration:50 m/s2 Repeat accuracy:0,05 mm Max. static load:Fx 4410 N, Fy 79.000 N, Fz 79.000 N Max. static moment:Mx 1.300 Nm, My 7.110 Nm, Mz 7.110 Nm High dynamics:V=7m/s, A=20m/s
Telerace - Telescopowe prowadnice z łożyskami kulkowymi

Telerace - Telescopowe prowadnice z łożyskami kulkowymi

The Telerace family consists of telescopic guides made of steel or profiled metal sheeting, treated with a deep nitriding and black oxidation process or available in stainless steel. The Telerace linear guides are ideal for harsh environments as their large rolling components make them highly resistant to dust and dirt. The Telerace guides are ideal for continuous cycle applications requiring a long life and reduced maintenance. They are therefore suitable for industrial automated applications, even with variable stroke cycles. The materials and the surface treatments used in the construction of the Telerace guides ensure a good rust protection, making them suitable even for outdoor applications or humid environm. High load capacity due to double row bearings:7672N
Szyna Teleskopowa - Teleskopowe łożyska liniowe o dużej nośności

Szyna Teleskopowa - Teleskopowe łożyska liniowe o dużej nośności

High load capacity and reduced deflection telescopic rails with caged balls bearings. The telescopic guides have optimal running properties due to inductively hardened raceways. TELESCOPIC RAIL linear slides exhibit little deflection while under very heavy loads, even when fully extended. Telescopic guides come in eight different series (DS, DSE, DSC, DE, DBN, DMS, ASN, DRT) Torsionally rigid intermediate elements with S-shaped, double-T, or squared sections Over-extending, full or partial telescopic strokes are available In the DMS63 Series the supported load can reach 2,000kg per pair. Extremely low deflection and smoothness of movement even in high load, 24/7 applications Some Series can be locked in the closed position Special versions and strokes available upon request The Telescopic Rail product family includes full or partial extraction telescopic rails, and consists of eight (8) different sizes. The deflection resistant central components are available in the S, double T... Available sizes for telescopic guides series ASN / DE:22, 28, 35, 43, 63 Available sizes for telescopic guides series DS:28, 35, 43, 63 Available sizes for telescopic guides series DSE:28, 35, 43, 63 Available sizes for telescopic guides series DSC:43 Available sizes for telescopic guides series DBN:22, 28, 35, 43 Available size for telescopic guides series DMS:63 Available size for telescopic guides series DRT:43 Induction hardened raceways:Induction hardened raceways Rails and sliders made of cold-drawn roller bearing carbon steel:Rails and sliders made of cold-drawn roller bearing carbon steel Balls made of hardened roller bearing carbon steel:Balls made of hardened roller bearing carbon steel Max. operating speed:0.8 m/s ( 31.5 in/s ) ( depending on application ) ASN, DE, DBN, temperature range:-20 °C to +170 °C (-4 °F to +338 °F ), DS, DSC, DRT: -20 °C to +110 °C (-4 °F to +230 °F ) Electrolytic galvanized as per ISO 2081, increased anticorrosive protection on request:Electrolytic galvanized as per ISO 2081, increased anticorrosive protection on request
Curviline - Krzywoliniowe szyny z radialnymi łożyskami kulkowymi

Curviline - Krzywoliniowe szyny z radialnymi łożyskami kulkowymi

Versatile and innovative curved linear guides with radial ball bearing rollers. The curvilinear guides are available in different versions, with constant or variable radius. CURVILINE is ideal for applications such as curved machine housings, door systems in trains or boats, or customized packaging units. Two rail widths: 16mm and 23mm Zinc plated rails and sliders as per ISO 2081 Strokes over 3,000mm Straight and curved paths in one rail Sliders with four rollers, arranged in pairs, maintain the preload over the whole length of the rail Parts as per drawing, customized for each application The Curviline linear guides product family is used for all non-linear motion applications. The linear rails are available in two widths, and made to fit the customer’s design. A single rail can have both curved and straight sections. Main fields of application for Curviline linear guides: Railway Naval Packaging Food &amp; Beverage Available rail widths:CKR01/CVR01: 16.5 mm (0.65 in) and CKR05/CVR05: 23 mm (0.91 in) Max. slider operating speed on the rail:1.5 m/s (59 in/s) (depending on application) Max. acceleration:2 m/s² (78 in/s²) (depending on application) Max. effective length of the rail:3,240 mm (127.56 in) Max. traverse:CCT08: 3,170 mm (124.8 in) and CCT11: 3,140 mm (123.62 in) Minimum radius for both sizes:120 mm (4.72 in). Radius tolerance +/- 0.5 mm (0.02 in), angle tolerance +/- 1°:Radius tolerance +/- 0.5 mm (0.02 in), angle tolerance +/- 1° Temperature Range:-20 °C to +80 °C (-4 °F to +176 °F) Zinc-plated rail and runner (Rollon Alloy); increased anticorrosion protection on request:Zinc-plated rail and runner (Rollon Alloy); increased anticorrosion protection on request Rail material:C43 Slider body material:Fe360 Roller material:100Cr6 Roller pins lubricated for life:Roller pins lubricated for life
Inteligentny System - Wysokowydajne, proste jednostki liniowe z wzmocnionym stalowym paskiem napędowym

Inteligentny System - Wysokowydajne, proste jednostki liniowe z wzmocnionym stalowym paskiem napędowym

The SMART SYSTEM linear actuators feature a self-sustaining anodized aluminum frame and steel re-enforced driving belt. This is a series of highly cost effective linear units, featuring high performance combined with a carefully planned simple construction. High load capacity,High speeds and accelerations, High admissible tipping moments, Low friction ,Low noise The SMART SYSTEM series consists of 3 distinct products with different features: E-SMART, R-SMART, S-SMART. SMART SYSTEM – E-SMART . S-SMART :50-65-80 R-SMART : 120-160-220 E-Smart:30-50-80-100 Repeat accuracy:0,1 mm Max.speed:4m/s Max. stroke:6000 mm High dynamics:V=4m/s, A=50m/s2 Aluminum alloy 6060 profile :E-SMART and R-SMART can provide longer strokes for jointed versions
Wieloosi Pick and Place - Wszechstronny system wieloosiowy zaprojektowany do zasilania stacji maszyn.

Wieloosi Pick and Place - Wszechstronny system wieloosiowy zaprojektowany do zasilania stacji maszyn.

Versatile multi-axis system designed for feeding machine stations. The Y axis can be realized with a rack and pinion driving system for multiple independent carriages or with a short belt system for connected Z axes. The motion systems can be designed with recirculating ball guides or with bearings depending on loads, dynamics, and different environments. LOAD CAPACITY ACCORDING TO DYNAMICS Reported data must be verified according to the application. Please get in touch with our technical department for more information. Z axis with pneumatic counterbalance allows energy saving and smaller motors: Z axis with pneumatic counterbalance allows energy saving and smaller motors Short belt technology (patent) system allow very long Y axis:Short belt technology (patent) system allow very long Y axis